Clinician views lung airways on Ion screen

Why Robotic Bronchoscopy

Elevating performance in lung biopsy care

Address a leading cause of cancer mortality

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide.1

  • In the UK, lung cancer is the third most common cancer, making up 13% of all new cancer cases each year.2
  • Approximately 50,000 new cases are diagnosed in the UK yearly.2
  • In Europe, it has a low five-year survival rate of 13%2 because it is often diagnosed late. Fifty to 70% of cases are found at stage 4, compared to 15-25% at the early stage 1.3
Timeline showing the evolution of bronchoscopy methods
Patient undergoing robotic bronchoscopy with Ion
91% and 89%+
Diagnostic yield (intermediate and strict definitions)
Pneumothoraces of any kind
14 mm
Median nodule diameter
Nodules with bronchus sign present

Research on Ion navigational bronchoscopy

Explore additional research and evidence about Ion robotic bronchoscopy—Outcomes, experiences, and techniques from some of the early adopters of the Ion technology.

Robotic navigational bronchoscopy in a thoracic surgery

A single-center study included 407 patients with 503 lung nodules (median size: 21 mm). 24.4% of the nodules had a bronchus sign. This study assessed the diagnostic success and clinical outcomes in a large multisurgeon cohort using radial probe endobronchial ultrasound (R-EBUS) and 2D fluoroscopy.

Robotic-assisted bronchoscopy vs. CT-guided biopsy

A multicenter review of 225 patients compared robotic-assisted bronchoscopy (RAB) with Ion and CT-guided transthoracic biopsy (CTTB) to evaluate lung nodules. Both methods had similar diagnostic yield, but CTTB had a significantly higher complication rate.

Radiation dose of cone beam CT with robotic bronchoscopy

A single-center study of 241 patients who underwent Ion robotic-assisted bronchoscopy with fixed cone beam CT (CBCT). The study looked at technical factors and clinical outcomes of combining CBCT with the Ion system.

The ATLAS Study: Comparing bronchoscopic navigation platforms

A comparison study of three software platforms. Each create virtual airway maps to reach a target lesion. It examined differences in segmentation capabilities between planning software for electromagnetic navigation platforms and Ion PlanPoint.

Updates from the PRECIsE Study: Robotic-assisted bronchoscopy

A multicenter, prospective study including 365 patients who had Ion robotic-assisted bronchoscopy with 2D fluoroscopy. This abstract covers the group in the performance stage, focusing on procedural outcomes like diagnostic yield, sensitivity for malignancy, and safety.

Robotic bronchoscopy with radial ultrasound and cone beam CT

A review of the first 200 biopsy procedures at UT Southwestern Medical Center. This study details the diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity for malignancy, specificity, safety, and other procedural outcomes

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    1. Cancer (
    2. Lung cancer statistics | Cancer Research UK
    3. van Meerbeeck JP, Franck C. Lung cancer screening in Europe: where are we in 2021? Transl Lung Cancer Res 2021;10(5):2407-2417.
    4. Horeweg N, van der Aalst CM, Thunnissen E, et al. Characteristics of lung cancers detected by computer tomography screening in the randomized NELSON trial. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2013;187(8):848-854. DOI:10.1164/rccm.201209-1651OC.
    5. Husta B., Batra H., Cheng G, et al. A Prospective Multicenter Evaluation of Shape-Sensing Robotic-Assisted Bronchoscopy with Integrated Mobile Cone-Beam Computer Tomography: Interim Results from the CONFIRM Study. Abstract 214, AABIP2024.