Financial disclosure
The independent healthcare professional quoted on this website has received compensation from Intuitive for consulting and/or educational services.
Important safety information
Serious complications may occur in any surgery, including surgery with a da Vinci system, up to and including death. Examples of serious or life-threatening complications, which may require prolonged and/or unexpected hospitalization and/or reoperation, include but are not limited to, one or more of the following: injury to tissues/organs, bleeding, infection, and internal scarring that can cause long-lasting dysfunction/pain.
Serious complications may occur in any surgery, including da Vinci surgery, up to and including death. Serious risks include, but are not limited to, injury to tissues and organs and conversion to other surgical techniques which could result in a longer operative time and/or increased complications.
Risks specific to minimally invasive surgery, including surgery with a da Vinci system, include but are not limited to, one or more of the following: temporary pain/nerve injury associated with positioning; a longer operative time, the need to convert to an open approach, or the need for additional or larger incision sites. Converting the procedure could result in a longer operative time, a longer time under anesthesia, and could lead to increased complications.
Contraindications applicable to the use of conventional endoscopic instruments also apply to the use of all da Vinci instruments.
For important safety information, including surgical risks, indications, and considerations, please also refer to For a product’s intended use and/or indications for use, risks, full cautions, and warnings, please refer to the associated user manual(s).
Individual outcomes may depend on a number of factors—including but not limited to—patient characteristics, disease characteristics, and/or surgeon experience.
Ion is for sale in the U.S.
Outside of the U.S., Ion may not have regulatory approvals in all markets. Please check with your local Intuitive representative.
Important safety information
Risks associated with bronchoscopy through an endotracheal tube and under general anesthesia are infrequent and typically minor and may include but are not limited to: sore throat, hoarseness, respiratory complications including dyspnea or hypoxemia, airway injury, bronchospasm, laryngospasm, fever, hemoptysis, chest, or lung infection including pneumonia, lung abscess, or an adverse reaction to anesthesia. Although rare, the following complications may also occur: bleeding, pneumothorax (collapsed lung), cardiac-related complications, respiratory failure, air embolism, or death. As with other medical procedures, there may be additional risks associated with the use of general anesthesia and/or endotracheal intubation that are not listed above; you should consult a healthcare professional regarding these and other potential risks.
Procedures using the Ion endoluminal system may be associated with longer procedure and/or longer anesthesia time.
Individual outcomes may depend on a number of factors—including but not limited to—patient characteristics, disease characteristics, and/or physician experience.
Single surgeon/physician information
For da Vinci systems
The material presented represents the views, experiences, and opinions of independent surgeons based on their practice and personal experience performing surgery with the da Vinci surgical system. Their experience may or may not be reproducible and is not generalizable.
For Ion systems
The material presented represents the views, experiences, and opinions of independent physicians based on their practice and personal experience using the Ion endoluminal system. The data reflects single physician experiences. The results may or may not be reproducible and are not generalizable.