Every day, thousands of people have a robotic-assisted procedure with the da Vinci surgical system. If you or a loved one will soon be one of them, it’s helpful for you to understand what robotic-assisted surgery is and what to expect the day of surgery. Because every patient and surgery is unique, be sure to ask your care team about your particular surgery.
The most important thing you can do before surgery is to talk to your surgeon and follow all instructions from your care team. Here’s a list of additional ideas to help you get ready for surgery day.
Your doctor may share a post-surgery checklist, but no two people are alike. Be sure to tell your doctor about your situation—your work and family demands, exercise habits, and activities that are important to you. By being specific, your doctor can let you know what you’ll need to do differently during recovery and when you can expect to get back to normal activities. Here are questions you can ask.
What kind of care will I need when I get home? Will I need someone to stay with me full time? Will my care provider need to be able to lift me from a chair or bed?
How long does post-surgery pain typically last? What do I need to know about pain management medications?
Will I have any food or drink restrictions and for how long? Are there foods you recommend?
What activity restrictions do I need to be aware of, i.e, sitting in a chair, lifting, having sex, climbing stairs?
How long before I can return to work or resume my usual activities?
How long before I can start exercising again?
There are a number of different areas of the body where a surgeon can use the da Vinci surgical system. Learn about the types of procedures performed with the da Vinci system and their outcomes.
Patients should consult their physician to decide whether robotic-assisted surgery is appropriate in the individual case in order to make an informed decision taking into account benefits and risks.
For summary of the risks associated with surgery refer to www.intuitive.com/safety.