Find a physician or hospital near you

Enter your location to locate physicians and hospitals in your area who use the da Vinci surgical system and/or Ion robotic-assisted bronchoscopy system.
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Clinical Outcomes Shared

Intuitive provides a resource to help patients find physicians who perform robotic-assisted procedures with the Intuitive systems. It is called the Physician Locator. In an effort to ensure that physicians listed on the Physician Locator actively use Intuitive systems in their practice, Intuitive establishes a minimum number of cases a physician must perform per year with Intuitive systems based on their specialty. Only physicians who meet this annual minimum and who have opted into being listed will be displayed on the Physician Locator.

Prepare for your appointment

If you or a loved one require a procedure, it is important that you feel informed about your choices. Here are questions you can ask your doctor:

  • What medical procedure and/or surgical options are available to me?
  • Can you tell me about your training, experience, and patient outcomes with da Vinci systems and/or Ion robotic-assisted bronchoscopy systems?
Learn about what to expect with a robotic-assisted procedure using the da Vinci system and/or the Ion robotic-assisted bronchoscopy system.