Intuitive History

Intuitive has been advancing minimally invasive care since 1995 with the goal of helping physicians improve the lives of people around the world. As we move forward, we continue to invest in minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgical and bronchoscopy solutions that contribute to care teams’ goals of better patient care, greater efficiencies, and improved access to quality health care.
Year Intuitive is founded
Year Intuitive launches the da Vinci surgical system
Number of generations of da Vinci systems
Year Intuitive launches the Ion endoluminal system
First da Vinci surgeon console from 1996
Da Vinci Si system
Surgeon looking at CT scans of the lung
Surgeon manipulating da Vinci 5 surgeon console
1. Compared to da Vinci X, Xi, and SP systems. Data on file at Intuitive.
2. Compared to da Vinci Xi. Data on file at Intuitive.